Responsive Letter

Considering that I wish to participate in Senderismo con Propósito Activities, I declare the following:

  • I am aware that in the activity in which I will participate there is the possibility of suffering an accident.
  • I declare the intention to participate in this activity freely and at my own risk.
  • I release Senderismo con Propósito and all its members from any loss or damage I may suffer.
  • I declare that I am free from the influence of alcohol and/or drugs and that I will not use any of these during the activity.
  • I agree to follow and abide by the instructions given by the members of Senderismo con Propósito.
  • I accept responsibility for any expenses incurred on my behalf or for me as a result of my actions and illnesses.

It is very important that all your information is authentic and complete as it would be used to acquire your insurance in the event that the company Senderismo con Propósito is granting it to you during one of its activities. If they are not correct or complete, the insurer may decide not to validate your insurance.

Eg: Jan/01/2000.